• Mondo! Wine Bar & Retail (map)
  • 220 West College Avenue
  • Appleton, WI, 54911
  • United States

We've missed hosting our monthly FREE wine tastings so we're bringing them back! To kick off the inaugural event in our new space, we are excited to announce that will also have 2 wine reps join David in hosting a table. That means triple the tasting! While other folks charge for their wine tasting events, our signature monthly wine tasting remains FREE! But that's not all, you also receive a 10% discount off your retail purchase of the wines featured during the event. Come in any time during the event, grab a glass and start tasting!

Please note, there will have a limited food menu during the event. The kitchen will open for full service beginning at 5. 

No reservations are required but an RSVP on Facebook is appreciated.